17.10.2014 | 17-18.10.2014 net.culture club MaMa, Zagreb
Seminar: Capital, the state and European integration
Until not too long ago, even amongst parts of the left the historic decline of the relevance of the state was taken as a 'given'. Under the umbrella of 'globalization theory' far-reaching proclamations on deep tectonic shifts were the... »
25.03.2014 | Sofia, Bulgaria
Call for papers: Migrating in, migrating out: how to (re)think “migrants’” struggles
An invitation to participate in... »
27.02.2014 | Beograd
Poziv na prezentaciju radova: Femininizam i levica - nekad i sad
Call for papers: Feminism and left... »
13.08.2013 | Sofia, Bulgaria
Eastern Europe: Between (post)Socialism and (neo)Liberalism. Ideologies, practices, resistances
A Report from the Sofia Summer... »